Monday, October 09, 2006

Wind and Solar Power How-To Number 2

Description: "This is the second video of a small power setup using an AirX windmill and 3 80 watt solar panels.
For those that are interested in solar and wind power and would like their first clue on how to start this may be of some help."

Friday, October 06, 2006

Wind and Solar Energy How-To

Description: "Video description of how I've setup a solar / wind electric generating system for the first time."

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Unlimited Energy Solar Solutions

Description: Unlimited Energy is the largest, locally owned solar contractor in the Central San Joaquin Valley. We have been in business in Fresno since 1984 and have designed and installed some of the largest PV projects in the State of California.

The Solar Village: Passive Solar

Description: Andreas Delleske is a member of a private group that built a "passive house" that uses only 1.5 litres of oil per square meter per year for heating. An architect and a biologist worked together to combine alternative energy and alternative waste management concepts.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Alternative living, British Columbia

Description: Alternate lifestyles. Sean Sands and others living alternative lives in ecological homes in Rocky mountains, British COlumbia. Making hemp clothes and having naked drumming sessions.
Manchán Magan, Global Nomad films

Environmental Building: Wire wrapping

Description: Wrapping wire around your straw bale home is one of the most important steps in constructing your house. Learn how to do it in this video of one in a series at See thousands more videos at

Environmental Building: Cement mixing

Description: Learn how to mix cement to the proper consistency for your straw bale house construction project in this video of one in a series at See thousands of more videos at ...

Environmental Building: Straw Bale Construction

Description: Learn how to construct a straw bale house in this video of one in a series at See thousands of more videos at

Straw Bale Home Construction Instructional Video

Description: Straw bale house conctruction is shown in this movie trailer for the "Building With Awareness" DVD video. Straw bale walls, thermal mass walls, earth plaster techniques, and passive solar design are all explained in this how-to DVD on building with natural materials.

Straw Bale House

Description: "The Fullmer Family of Fairview, Utah build a straw bale house. A "Phil & Friends Vignette."